Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Pine Springs Camp http://www.pinespringscamp.com/ was beautiful! The smell of mountains was everywhere, humming birds and bluebirds were a familiar sight and I sat and listened to a wolf howl on our first night there, Wow!

There were 57 women who attended the retreat. We sang together, nothing is as beautiful as women’s voices praising God together. We played silly games, decorated folders, snacked, participated in a ‘talent show,’ visited and ate wonderful food cooked by Ronnie and her husband Tim who run the camp.

‘Where Do I Fit In?’ was the topic for the weekend and Acts 17:28 'For in HIM we live and move and have our being' was our scripture.
We had a fantastic time growing together in God. We are looking forward to next years retreat at Pine Springs http://www.pinespringscamp.com/ the first weekend after the Labor Day Weekend

Acts 17:28 "For in HIM we live and move and have our being."


Neva said...

Is this the one you spoke at? I wish I could have been there. I spoke once there several years ago, had a great time.
You have been in my thoughts and prayers, sister


Monalea said...


Yep, and I guess I did ok, because they didn't throw rotten veggies.

You don't know how much it means to me to be in your thoughts and prayers.....I really need it.

Love you 2-3-6,

David Kirk said...

Will you someday explain the 2-3-6 thing? Will you answer in your blog? Will you explain it in your will? Please!

Thanks! Signed, Rotten Veggies

Monalea said...

Dear rotten veggies, if I tell you the 2-3-6 thing, I will have to kill you.........ha! If you go back to May 14, 2007 blog about Trey it will explain the secret of 2-3-6 with little or no pain.


David Kirk said...

I don't know if my computer can remember that far back, but I will try!

David Kirk said...

Okay, I understand 2-3-6 now. I will pay more attention next time.